HPTC Enrollment Surges
Enrollment numbers for this school year have increased significantly. More students from our district's sending schools are attending than ever before.
Adding Beaver County to the HPTC District has contributed to this growth as well by adding 318 HPTC students from the four schools in Beaver County.
The enrollment figures for Practical Nursing, TAP, Wind Tech, and Daytime Programs from each sending school community within the HPTC District are as follows:
Balko: 64
Beaver: 120
Buffalo: 33
Fargo-Gage: 25
Forgan: 39
Fort Supply: 26
Mooreland: 65
Sharon-Mutual: 31
Turpin: 95
Vici: 19
Woodward: 710 (Including 6th-grade TAP and upper-class TAP students)
Out of District: 13
Overall, HPTC has a total of 1,240 students this academic year!
We greatly value the support of everyone in our district and wish our students continual success this school year!