Directory of Staff
Superintendent / CEO
Barclay Holt
(580-571-6128) -
Asst. Superintendent / Full Time Programs
Don Gaines
(580-571-6162) -
Asst. Superintendent / Business & Industry Services
Taylor Burnett
School Administration
Director of Finance
Vickie Hunter
(580-571-6121) -
Administrative Assistant /Accounts Payable
Rachelle Rogers
(580-571-6113) -
Activity Fund Custodian / Treasurer / Finance Assistant
Karen Roach
(580- 571-6143) -
Marketing Coordinator
Katie Shirley
Student Services
Director of Student Activities
Jennifer Dew
(580-571-6129) -
Audrea Halderman
(580-571-6183) -
Mary Gaskill
(580-571-6171) -
Financial Aid Director
Michelle Ketcherside
(580-571-6177) -
Registrar/ Administrative Assistant
Shannon Carrico
(580-571-6127) -
Academic Center
Darla Borden
(580-571-6165) -
Instructional Aide
Instructional Aide
Project Hope
Denise Whitehead
Abbie Wasson
(580-571-6174) -
Business & Marketing
Katrina McDowell
(580-571-6170) -
Health Careers Certification
Falisha Bowers
(580-571-6133) -
Health Careers Certification
Tasha Swallow
(580-571-6161) -
Pake Carlson
(580-571-6131) -
Tracy Borden
(580-571-6151) -
Jacob Morgan
580-571-6152 -
Service Careers
Megan Lasley
(580-571-6105) -
Lea Ann Meyer
(580-571-6169) -
Medium Heavy Duty Diesel Technology
Jayme Spillman
(580-571-6153) -
Medium Heavy Duty Diesel Technology
Jesse Palacios
580-571-6152 -
Auto Mechanics
Rodney Ogden
(580-571-6173) -
Technical Applications (Woodward Middle School)
Danna Goss
(580-571-6130) -
Technical Applications (Woodward Middle School)
Lisa Steadman
(580-571-6163) -
Technical Applications (Woodward Middle School)
Forrest Rogers
(580-571-6168) -
Technical Applications (Woodward Middle School)
David Stone
Technical Applications (Woodward Middle School)
Sheldon Halderman
(580-571-6154) -
Technical Applications (Woodward Middle School)
Kelli Persons
(580-571-6154 -
Director of Practical Nursing
Micky McDonald
(580-571-6101) -
Practical Nursing Instructor
Niki Foster
(580-571-6157) -
Practical Nursing Instructor
Vanessa VanZee
(580-571-6141) -
Technical Applications (Beaver Schools)
Myriah McVay
(580-625-3444) -
Health Careers Certification (Beaver)
Serafin Ramon
580-651-3300 -
Technical Applications Program (Balko Schools)
Chandler Dearmin
(580-525-1493) -
Technical Applications (Forgan Schools)
Jerry Hodges
(580-651-3920) -
Construction/ Welding (Turpin Schools)
Brett Gardiner
(580-778-3333 ext. 149) -
Development of Site & Programs Coordinator for Beaver County
Donna Nickell
BIS Department (Business & Industry Services)
Industrial & Adult Career Development Director
Steven Rogers
(580-571-6120) -
Adult Career Development Coordinator
Tammy Kelln
(580-571-6159) -
Administrative Assistant
Sheila Reazin
(580-571-6167) -
Health Skills Coordinator
Tracy Kraus
580-571-6144 -
Anita Lara
(580-571-6119) -
Facilities Specialist
Vonda Smith
(580-571-6185) -
Safety Support Specialist
Safety / Energy Instructor
Kayla Pollock
(580-571-6117) -
Renewable Energy Instructor
Jack Day
(580-571-6124) -
Safety Instructor
Jathan Medina
(580-571-6194) -
Safety Instructor
Dalton Sparks
(580-571-6147) -
Safety Instructor
Kevin Dixon
(580-571-6115) -
Safety/Energy Instructor
Caren Alvarez
(580-290-0719) -
Safety/Energy Instructor
Facility Management
Director of IT
Tony Haskins
(580-571-6109) -
IT Assistant
Phil Fisher
(580-571-6112) -
Maintenance Services Manager
KJ Bowers
(580-571-6111) -
Transportation / Maintenance Coordinator
Kamron Hensley
(580-571-6192) -
Central Warehouse Coordinator
Alisa Branson
(580-571-6139) -
Facility Service Specialist