Medium - Heavy Duty Truck Technology
Work on heavy equipment in a rapidly changing industry using a full systems approach.
Diagnose, repair, overhaul and assemble diesel power-driven trucks and machinery.
Use the same equipment and techniques as ASE professionals in a modern facility.
Instruction in the Medium/Heavy Duty Diesel Truck Program will provide the student with the technical background necessary to inspect, diagnose, and correct problems associated with medium/ heavy duty diesel trucks and heavy equipment. Using guidelines developed by business, industry, and labor, students are prepared for a productive career in medium/ heavy duty diesel truck technology. Upon completion of the program, students may be employed in transportation, construction, agriculture, gas compression, oil & gas and other industries using medium/ heavy duty diesel truck technology.
Students successfully completing this program are rewarded with certificates of completion in Diesel Mechanics and they are eligible to take the State Diesel certification tests, along with other industry supported certification tests.
This program is ASE and NATEF certified.
Areas of Study Include:
Diesel Engines
Air Brakes
Preventative Maintenance
Electrical/Electronics System
Electrical System
Drive Trains
Hydraulic System
Air Conditioning /Heating Systems
Career Opportunities Include:
Diesel Technician
Electrical/Electronics Specialist
Air Conditioning Specialist
Fuel Injection Specialist
Air Brake Specialist
Opportunities in sales, management and marketing with unlimited salary potential
Next Steps:
More information on Medium/Heavy Duty Diesel Truck Technology can be obtained by contacting Jayme Spillman at (580) 571-6153.
For enrollment information contact Audra Halderman, Guidance Counselor at (580) 571-6183.
Career Focus:
Prepared for immediate employment, advanced certifications and further education.
Federal law requires that we annually disperse information concerning the safety and security of our campus. You can access the full official report here.
Start your future. Enroll today.